Like A Prayer

Brian Coyle
3 min readJul 10, 2019


Cambridge Dictionary defines prayer as “the act or ceremony of speaking to God or a god, especially to express thanks or to ask for help.”

It may surprise some people that know me, but I pray every day. I believe in the power of prayer. I grew up Roman Catholic and spent 8 years in a Catholic School where church and prayer were a part of everyday life.

I’m no longer an “organized religion” person but my level of prayer has actually increased. It’s not so much about Hail Mary’s and Our Fathers as it is about conversations with God.

It doesn’t always happen at night before bed although that is the most common time for me to reflect. But it also occurs spontaneously when I have an amazing day with friends or see such a perfect sunset that I have to thank God for my blessings. Or when something so terrible happens, even to strangers, that it rocks me to my core and I can think of nothing to do but lift my head.

I do believe that God has a lot to deal with so I want to make sure my prayers are meaningful and specific. Other than the general health and safety of my family and friends, I don’t pray for myself. I do thank God, every day, for the gift that I am given. My life is far from perfect and there are many times where I wish I could change things but the bottom line for me is I am so fortunate for the family and true friends I have in my life that I can’t bring myself to ask for more, only to give praise and thanks.

I don’t waste God’s time on praying for a new job or to win the lottery or to find answers for myself. I pray for others. I pray for my friends and family that are sick and battling real problems and health issues like cancer and disease. I pray for my friends who have lost loved ones and are overcome with grief that I can’t imagine but I want God to help comfort them and ease their pain. I pray for friends that need extra love and support because they are enduring difficult times. I am a person who feels very strongly when someone I care about is suffering. My heart goes out and my prayers go up. When I say that my thoughts and prayers are with you, I mean that literally.

Some people may agree, some may say it is futile. And there are times where as much as I believe in that power, even I question what it means and if it makes a difference. I may never know. But either way, it is still the power of positivity and sending love and good energy to the people that I care about that need it the most. And regardless of what you believe, that is never a waste of time in my eyes.

It gives me strength. It gives me hope.

For me it’s not about being in a church or a religious building to send those prayers to God. It’s not about making a donation or contribution to an establishment to be heard. It’s not about a priest or televangelist or any ‘person’ here on Earth to transmit those messages for me. It’s just an honest conversation sent up to the heavens asking, sometimes begging, for help for those who need it.

And there are times and situations where I am not sure what to even pray for. Do I pray for a miracle or pray for a peaceful end to an impossible and heartbreaking situation?

I don’t know. I don’t have the answers. I never will. And so, I just pray. The only way I know how.

